Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Mission Statement

And I'm back. Yeah, it's been a while. How have you been? You look good!

Seriously, though, I've decided to blog again. It's something that I haven't had the time for in a long while. Lots of thoughts, no time. That needs to stop. I now acknowledge that this is just part of who I am. I enjoy developing thoughts on my own (writing helps me do that) and sharing thoughts with others to stimulate discussion to further explore reality and help me fumble my way closer to truth. And I like to harass other people with my view of reality. Actually, I really hope I'm never perceived as this last bit. Please keep an eye on me, though. Thanks.

So... years after this blog was first established, I'm finally getting around to figuring out what I want it to be about. Yep, I'm a planner.

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