Sunday, July 11, 2010

This Makes Sense

OK, so Spain won the World Cup. Watching the finals between Spain and Holland was a great experience. I enjoyed good friends, good food, good wine, and a good game. I have to say, though, that a majority of Buenos Aires seemed to support Holland. When asking a friend about this, one supporting fact she mentioned was that the Independence Day that Argentina celebrated a couple days ago was independence from Spain's dominance. That makes perfect sense to me, but puts into interesting contrast the US's close relationship with England, even after independence. I think the main reason the US is close with England is because - with the exception of the Native Americans - England's relationship with the US wasn't as oppressive as Spain's with South America. What are your thoughts?

Congrats to Spain on the final, although with the flopping they were doing at the end, I was definitely pulling for Holland. I hope you all enjoyed the World Cup. I have to say that being able to enjoy all the games here in Buenos Aires was an absolute privilege. I'll miss this city, but have enjoyed my time here.

2010-07-12 EDIT: So I wrote this blog entry without much thought and with much wine. Clearly England was horribly cruel to African slaves and other groups and my hypothesis falls apart in hindsight. Mea culpa. Anyone else have a theory?

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